
Module standard

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  • id: 0 The heartbeat message shows that a system or component is present and responding. The type and autopilot fields (along with the message component id), allow the receiving system to treat further messages from this system appropriately (e.g. by laying out the user interface based on the autopilot). This microservice is documented at
  • These flags encode the MAV mode.
  • id: 300 Version and capability of protocol version. This message can be requested with MAV_CMD_REQUEST_MESSAGE and is used as part of the handshaking to establish which MAVLink version should be used on the network. Every node should respond to a request for PROTOCOL_VERSION to enable the handshaking. Library implementers should consider adding this into the default decoding state machine to allow the protocol core to respond directly..


  • Micro air vehicle / autopilot classes. This identifies the individual model.
  • Component ids (values) for the different types and instances of onboard hardware/software that might make up a MAVLink system (autopilot, cameras, servos, GPS systems, avoidance systems etc.). Components must use the appropriate ID in their source address when sending messages. Components can also use IDs to determine if they are the intended recipient of an incoming message. The MAV_COMP_ID_ALL value is used to indicate messages that must be processed by all components. When creating new entries, components that can have multiple instances (e.g. cameras, servos etc.) should be allocated sequential values. An appropriate number of values should be left free after these components to allow the number of instances to be expanded.
  • These values encode the bit positions of the decode position. These values can be used to read the value of a flag bit by combining the base_mode variable with AND with the flag position value. The result will be either 0 or 1, depending on if the flag is set or not.
  • MAVLINK component type reported in HEARTBEAT message. Flight controllers must report the type of the vehicle on which they are mounted (e.g. MAV_TYPE_OCTOROTOR). All other components must report a value appropriate for their type (e.g. a camera must use MAV_TYPE_CAMERA).